What is Psychedelic Integration?

Psychedelic integration is the process of incorporating insights and experiences gained from psychedelic journeys into everyday life. It's an approach that helps individuals understand, process, and apply the profound transformations often encountered during these altered states of consciousness.

Think of a psychedelic experience as a powerful catalyst for personal growth. Integration is the vehicle that carries you forward on this journey, translating the abstract concepts and vivid imagery into tangible actions and insights into the self that can lead to lasting change.

Psychedelic integration is a crucial component of the psychedelic experience, allowing individuals to process, understand, and incorporate the profound insights gained into their daily lives. The ACER Integration framework, developed by Dr. Rosalind Watts, offers a structured approach to this transformative process.

Understanding ACER Integration

ACER Integration is a framework based on various psychological concepts, which enables people to integrate life experiences, as well as experiences while in altered states, in a way that is supported and sustainable. ACER Integration is not therapy, or a substitute for therapy, but is a community rich in knowledge and wisdom where you can feel safe to explore your inner landscape.

Using tools like guided visualisation, meditation, peer-support sharing circles, and breathwork you will use the metaphor of nature to create deep, lasting shifts within whilst being held in community.

What is the Meaning Behind ACER?

A - Accept - accepting ourselves as we are, knowing that no state of Self is ever permanent. Being patient with our own internal seasons and processes and extending that same acceptance and patience to others.

C - Connect - connecting to who we are at our core and acknowledging that we are more than just individuals. We are part of a great interconnected web of life, and that this connection to others and to nature is a critical part of our own wellbeing.

E - Embody - honouring the innate wisdom of our body and working with both body and mind in tandem. Feeling our feelings, increasing our body literacy, listening to, and learning to trust, our body.

R - Restore - restoring to the cycles and patterns of nature. Trusting in the unfolding of seasons that exists within all of us, as it does around us. .

By following this framework, individuals can navigate the complexities of their inner world and cultivate personal growth.

The Integration Process

Psychedelic integration typically involves several key components:

  • Reflection and journaling: This involves documenting your psychedelic experiences, identifying key insights, and exploring their meaning.

  • Emotional processing: Many psychedelic experiences evoke intense emotions. Integration provides a safe space to process these feelings and develop healthy coping mechanisms.

  • Goal setting: By clarifying your intentions and setting achievable goals, you can channel the energy and motivation from your psychedelic experience into positive action.

  • Increasing Connection: Connecting with others who have undergone similar experiences can provide invaluable support, understanding, and shared wisdom. ACER Integration is an excellent place to connect with like-minded individuals who are likely on a simialr journey of self-discovery.

  • Professional guidance: Not all psychedelic integration involves therapy, but there are specifically-trained therapists that can assist those looking for this type of integration support.

    Psychedelic Support
    Institute of Psychedelic Therapy

Benefits of Psychedelic Integration

The benefits of psychedelic integration are far-reaching. It can lead to increased self-awareness, improved mental health, enhanced creativity, and deeper connections with others. By integrating your psychedelic experiences, you can cultivate resilience, develop a greater sense of purpose, and live a more fulfilling life.

Psychedelic integration is a deeply personal journey. There's no one-size-fits-all approach. It's important to find what works best for you and to be patient with the process. With time and dedication, integration can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.


Planting Trees Within


Reflections from a parched field