ACER Integration: Unpacking the Meaning

People often reach out and ask us, “what does ACER mean?”

Dr. Rosalind Watts developed the ACER Integration framework after working on the Imperial College London Psilocybin for Depression Trials. The ACE model, the precursor to ACER, was utilised in the Psilodep2 trial where Dr. Watts served as Clinical Lead. As described by Dr. Watts, "the ACE model describes the structure, procedures, and scripts used in the two Imperial College London studies (Psilodep) researching psilocybin treatment for major depression. The studies utilised the ACE (Accept, Connect and Embody) model as a therapeutic framework." Following the trials and subsequent work with integration groups, Dr. Watts incorporated the "R" component, evolving the ACE model into the ACER Integration framework.

The ACER Integration framework offers a structured approach to navigating the profound landscape of psychedelic experiences. It’s can serve as a compass, guiding people through the often challenging terrain of inner exploration and transformation. ACER is an acronym, each letter representing a vital part of the integration process.

A - Accept - accepting ourselves as we are, knowing that no state of Self is ever permanent. Being patient with our own internal seasons and processes and extending that same acceptance and patience to others.

C - Connect - connecting to who we are at our core and acknowledging that we are more than just individuals. We are part of a great interconnected web of life, and that this connection to others and to nature is a critical part of our own wellbeing.

E - Embody - embodying and honouring the innate wisdom of our body and working with both body and mind in tandem. Feeling our feelings, increasing our body literacy, listening to, and learning to trust, our body.

R - Restore - restoring to the cycles and patterns of nature. Trusting in the unfolding of seasons that exists within all of us, as it does around us.

ACER Integration is more than just a method; it's a philosophy. It recognises that psychedelic experiences are not isolated events but catalysts for profound personal growth. By providing a structured approach, ACER empowers individuals to harness the potential of these experiences and integrate them into their lives in a meaningful way.

It's important to emphasise that ACER Integration is not a linear process. It may be necessary to revisit different parts of the integration journey multiple times. The integration journey is unique to each individual, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. The goal is to find what works best for you and to create a personalised integration practice. The tools provided within ACER, as well as the warm, thoughtful ACER Integration community, can help.

By fostering greater connection to the self, others and nature, ACER Integration can form part of a roadmap for navigating the complexities of the inner world and a framework for creating a more fulfilling, connected, and authentic life.


The Importance of Psychedelic Integration